Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ice cream versus diet

Ice cream versus diet
Ice cream versus diet
Recently I met with the statement that eating large amounts of ice cream helps in weight loss because the body expends more energy to digest cold products. Is this true? Does this mean that those who are on a diet can eat ice cream with impunity?

Ice cream (and other cold products) actually stimulate the body to work more during the digestive process. But there is no scientifically proven facts that the energy expenditure during digestion of ice cream was higher than the caloric content of these products.
Also note that the traditional ice cream in large part made up of simple sugars and fat. Mostly used for their production of such products as milk, eggs (egg powder), sugar, milk powder and cream. In addition, additives are used as emulsifiers, stabilizers and pigments. With these messages, it's hard to say that ice cream products were healthy and good for weight loss diets. Eaten in excess, are certainly dangerous to the figures, but also for health.

One of the types of ice cream are sorbets. They contain fewer calories than traditional ice cream milky, because they are produced mainly from water and fruit juices. But here lies the trap. Fruit juices contain a simple sugar that is in addition to, and so added to the production of sorbets. So also with the amount of ice cream should not be exaggerated.

Ice cream manufacturers are trying to increase the security of their consumption. Increasingly added to forgo eggs, so the risk of salmonella poisoning is very small. The eggs are foods rich in cholesterol, so they eliminate the production of ice cream is another plus.
Manufacturers also are trying to reduce the amount of fat, and what goes with it also reduce the calories of ice cream, using a variety of alternatives and substitutes for these high-calorie nutrients. One such substance is inulin, which is increasingly gaining in popularity. It is not only used in the manufacture of ice cream, but also the margarine and chocolate. Its use instead of fat does not change the organoleptic product (eg taste), but can significantly reduce the energy level of the product. Inulin also has a number of other positive qualities, so that is used in the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, improves metabolism and helps maintain proper intestinal microflora, which prevents constipation.
Sugar also is gradually replaced by other substances, and most of all sweeteners. These are substances with a low energy value, or does not contain calories. One gram of sugar provides 4 calories while. Keep in mind also the fact that sweeteners do not contribute to the formation of dental caries.

The advantage of ice is that they provide a lot of calcium and phosphorus. But this follows from the fact that their production is used for milk, which is an excellent source of iron. The importance of a better solution is to consume the milk and dairy products as yogurt, kefir and buttermilk. They do not contain as much fat and simple sugars.

Summer encourages increased consumption of ice cream and desserts made with them. In this way, we want to cool off, cool off, but also satisfy your appetite for sweets. Sensitive people should pay attention to the consequences of eating ice cream. The sudden cooling of the hot throat can cause local vasoconstriction, which facilitates the attack of microorganisms. Here it is the near the road to sore throat and strep throat. Therefore, ice should eat slowly and in moderation.

Despite the efforts of producers to ice cream were the least calories, they are still not recommendable products in the diets of people on a diet. So let's give them the time of the diet, then exercise restraint in their consumption. Then you will certainly not be harmful to us.

By Marta Tomaszewska

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